Search Toolbox:
The Lane Guide is the best source I know of for finding lenders all over the country. The Lane Guide lists thousands of lenders and their REO departments..."
December 1994 Issue
Creative Real Estate Magazine
The Lane Guide website is easy to cruise around. Very
simple, straight forward and with lots of great information."
Steven R. Price, CCIM, CRE
I have used Lane Guide for awhile and love the service so much that I asked if they would set up service for CREPIG. I am excited to get this wonderful service in front our the members."
JW Najarian,
Comm'l R.E. Professionals & Investors
If you want to reach a specific bank we'd recommend looking into the Lane Guide. I also highly recommend the Lane Guide for finding good phone numbers for both the lender and the trustee."
Sean O'Toole,
Lane Guide | Search Menus
Lane Guide offers strategic industry searches to find the data and
contacts you need for your real estate, legal, credit, title or settlement needs.
Lane Guide is the industry leader in Bank, Lender and Creditor data. Choose a search menu below to quickly find the information you need. Lane Guide has been the industry's
trusted source since 1957.
REO/Asset Manager Search

REO Asset Manager Search Menu simple search menu which finds lenders' and asset management company contacts for lenders servicing properties IN YOUR STATE. Emphasize commercial and residential lenders or segment by company type.

Lender Advanced Name Finder

Advanced Name Finder Search allows you to find lenders by name and/or a city they are headquartered or have an active office in. Additionally, you may search for exactly the name you type or allow our system to find near matches and similar name.

Performance Dashboard (Banks & Credit Unions)

Performance Dashboard finds banks, thrifts and
credit unions by state and county and sorts them by name, REO assets or
Delinquency amounts. This is an ideal tool for note buyers or investors
trying to identify institutions ripe for bulk sales or note sales.
Searches over 14,000 institutions nationwide.

REO Portfolio Analyzer (By

REO Portfolio Analyzer finds lenders lending in a selected state and shows their outstanding portfolio of OREO properties by category and total. This is a way to find active REO lenders servicing in your state and identify the players in your area.

Lender/Trustee Lookup (By
Recorded Name)

Lender/Trustee Lookup Menu finds the Lender,
Servicer and/or Trustee by both recorded lender name and/or
lender address.
Enter the information recorded on the deed, title information report, or listings.

DemandFast Payoff Locations

Demand Fast Search allows you to find lenders by name or LIR number
and quickly identify the payoff servicing location where to send a
payoff request or call/fax one. This only applies to open and
active lenders, for closed lenders use the LenderTrace™ search.

Verification of Deposit Locations

VOD Location Search allows you to find lenders by name or
routing number
and quickly identify the branch or VOD location you need to send a
VOD request request form. It is always good practice to get VOD's
for asset or down-payment verification.

Mortgage-Backed Fund Servicers (MBSFS)

Mortgage-Backed Fund Servicers Menu finds Master and Sub Servicers by Fund Name. Many common abbreviations and variants are also searchable by this menu. Results link to LIR number with direct links to the servicers.

Wholesale Lender Programs (By
Loan Parameters)

Wholesale Lenders Search finds the wholesale or broker co-operating lender for specific deals or property types.
You may search by LTV, Loan Amount, State, Property Types to match with
lender programs.

LenderTrace™ Successor History (By

LenderTrace™ Successor History finds the
sucessor to any bank, credit union, lender or creditor by the name you
have. Results will show step-by-step sucessor history right to the
current holder. If the company you are searching for is open, you
will link there.

LenderNex™ Lender History Nexis

LenderNex™ finds all linked
sucessors to any closed bank, credit union, lender or creditor by the names you
have. Searching our 55 years of data, it graphs the nexis between
the two selected entities. This is ideal for forensic underwriting to link releasing lender
back to originating (recorded) lender.™ Number Search™ finds the
current bank or credit union by their 9-digit routing numbers. Also has tools which allow you to convert the fractional routing number (on a check) to the nine digit equivalent.
Find us at the corner of Name and Number.

IndustryTrack Trends (Total Industry REOs)

Industry Track analyzes and displays total nationwide REO and Pending Foreclosure protfolios and trends them by Quarter. This sis a great way to track trends, see market conditions and focus your efforts by sector.

Lending Type Search (By
loan type/state/wholesale)

Lending Type Search finds companies which do certain types of lending in a state on either wholesale or retail level (or both). A way to find lenders
that do certain funding in your state.

Primary Classification Search (By company

The Primary Classification Search locates institutions or companies by their primary industry classification. Even though the company may do several things, we code them by their primary function or licensed activity.

Reverse Search (By
lender address or lender phone)

Reverse Search finds banks and lender listings by a
lender's address or a lender's known phone number. We do NOT
list by individual property address. This is used
to find successors to banks or lenders which may have an office at the same physical address or seeing which company a phone number belongs