


Which Lane Guide product is right for you? We offer our data in two popular electronic formats:

- CD-ROM has the most user features and allows for custom searching.

- Internet version is updated contin-
uously and can be accessed 24/7.

Can't make up your mind? Not to worry, we have combination prices for busy offices who would like the features of both, and we allow you to upgrade your order within 30 days by just paying any difference in price.




I would tell everyone in the business, under no circumstance should any escrow people operate without this directory. Lane Guide really saves time!" ..

Jack Davis
Title Industry Workshops


Lane Guide | Product Features Comparison

Lane Guide is a convenient and effective way to locate lenders, financing companies, and bank-owned real-estate asset managers. Our services have grown and evolved over the last 50 years to aid our customers in researching information.

Our services have provided key information to professionals in many fields. Here are some of the features of each product we offer:



Feature Rating 3 stars

4 stars 4 stars 2 stars
Coverage Area Nationwide Nationwide Nationwide Nationwide
Updates Monthly Via Internet Monthly Via Internet Monthly Via Internet Weekly
Listing Format By Name or User-Defined By Name or User-Defined By Name or User-Defined By Name or User-Defined
ASCll Download Opens with Excel


Yes Yes No
Label Printing


Yes Yes No
Automatically Generates Form Letter Yes
 Word 2000 or Above)
(Requires  Word 2000 or Above)
(Requires  Word 2000 or Above)
Print Out Listings Yes Yes Yes Prints on Web-page
Appx. Number Of Listings 147,000 147.000 147,000 147,000
Includes Service Centers For National Lenders Yes Yes Yes Yes
Research Requests Via: Phone or Email Phone or Email Phone or Email Email
Tech-Support Toll-Free Toll-Free Toll-Free Toll-Free
 Name Lookup
Yes Yes Yes No
Search Options Best Best Best Better
LenderTrace Enabled 50+
Years Back
Years Back
Years Back
Years Back
Mean Time On Listing Changes 30 Days 30 Days 30 Days 7 Days
Geographical Searching Yes Yes Yes Limited
Bank Routing Number Lookup Yes Yes Yes Yes
REO Intro Mail-Merge Letter No Yes Yes No
REO/Loss Mit Quick Search By State Lending


Yes Yes Yes
Pin-Point Location Search Yes Yes Yes No
Note Attachments and Search Recall Yes Yes Yes No
Calendar Scheduler And Follow-up Reminder Yes Yes Yes No
Auto Bulk Email To REO Admin Listings Directly from Program Yes Yes Yes No
Initial Meter Download/Export Credits 1,000 2,500 10,000 NA
Lender/Trustee Lookup by Name/Address No No No Yes
Integrates Directly with No No No Yes
50 Years of Service Lane Guide
The Lender Source

Contact info

» Lane Guide Lenders On Line, Inc.
» Telephone: 1-800-526-3484